Bohol's Innovation Community Comes Together To Learn and Collaborate

Startup Weekend is a 3-day entrepreneurship program where participants are expected to pitch their tech business idea, form teams, validate their solutions, and create a prototype all in one weekend. Bohol just held its fifth Startup Weekend last August 23 to 25 which generated 11 amazing teams who all worked together to refine their ideas and present in front of a panel of judges on the final day.

In the coming weeks, we will be releasing photos and reports about the weekend which can help remind us of the potentially life-changing experience that the participants went through.

THANK YOU to all the people and organization that made this event possible. The program was organized by a group of volunteers representing various organizations and we can't be more proud of the teamwork and camaraderie that shined throughout this experience.

We hope to create more experiences like this in Sprout Up Bohol where we learn while doing and we go through challenges with the stress and excitement of solving real-word problems for the betterment of our local community.

Read on to see what else is fertilizing.

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Upcoming Events

What's After Startup Weekend? Takeaways and Opportunities

Saturday, September 28, 2PM: Are you experiencing the post-Startup Weekend blues? Join this session to talk about the lessons you may or may not have learned from participating at a Startup Weekend and see how it can apply to your real-life work or school. This event is FREE and open to everyone, not just Startup Weekend alumni. Please monitor our facebook page for updates.

The person leading this session has been involved in 24 SWs to date!

Regional Opportunities
