Cheers For Our Graduates (and Almost-Graduates)

It's graduation season and students are finally celebrating summer break! Definitely try to take the time and rest; sometimes society pressures us to immediately worry about "what's next" without giving us time to understand what we really want. This rush often leads to regret and mistakes so let's break the cycle and be more thoughtful about where we go from here on out. If you want to surround yourself with people with ideas, ambition, and the drive to improve in Bohol, you're already taking the best first step by reading this newsletter.

Also, to make things clear, nobody is a fresh graduate in the featured photo.

Read on to see what else is fertilizing.

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Upcoming Events

Building Flexible Websites with Next.js, WordPress, and GraphQL

Saturday, June 22, 2PM to 4PM: This workshop aims to teach participants how to build a website and launch it to the world using the Wordpress, Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind tech stack. This is a beginner-friendly and FREE workshop. More details to be announced on our Facebook page as the date nears.

The speaker is a Microsoft Student Ambassador with an awesome project.

Startup Weekend Bohol '24 Pre-Event: Business Model Basics

Saturday, June 29, 2PM to 4PM: Want to get a crash course on popular business models used not only by tech companies but by popular businesses at large? Join us for a quick introduction to business models and how you can take inspiration from real-world use cases for your own tech venture. More details to be announced on the Startup Weekend Bohol Facebook page as the date nears. For the main event, Early Bird tickets are available for purchase!

Startup Weekend Bohol 2024 is happening this August 23 to 25!

Regional Opportunities
